Monday, August 27, 2018

The Dreaded Sleep Regression...

The Sleep Regression is real yall. And I was naive to think, oh no, my baby is such a good sleeper, there's no way the sleep regression will effect him. Well, if that wasn't a huge face palm to the head, I don't know what is. 

We hit the regression a little early, a couple weeks before Miles hit the 4 month mark. Before that, he would go stretches of sleeping 5ish hours, wake up to feed, then usually go another 2 or 3. And I've heard for a newborn, that's pretty good! So I was definitely counting my blessings, and thought we maaay be in the clear. Whomp Whomp. And folks, it hit out of nowhere! One night he slept great, and the next night he woke up every three hours...then the next night every two you can imagine, I was one tired mama. And I know there are many moms out there who have gone through this and can relate! 

It lasted about 2 weeks, and at that point, Mike and I started kicking around the idea of putting him in his crib so we wouldn't wake up at every little sound and could maybe get a few extra minutes sprinkled throughout the night (you can read about that here). We decided that not only did Miles need a transition to his crib, but we did too-we were not ready to have hime sleep in his own room! So we decided that after his final feeding of the night, we would put him into his bassinet in our room like normal, but then when he woke for his next feeding, I'd transition him into his crib, so that way he would get used to it. The first night was a little shaky, when I went in to get him, he was sleeping completely sideways from where I put him down. He must have thought he had so much freedom and moved around like crazy! We were still getting up every 2-3 hours, but I have heard this is just a phase, and to power through it.

So last night, we were continuing with the plan, I fed him, put him in his bassinet, and about 10 minutes later he woke up noooot happy at all! Mike thought maybe switching up his sleeping places was making him confused, so I topped him off and we decided to put him to sleep in his crib for the whole night (insert me sobbing here). And friends, he slept for 6.5 hours the first stretch!! Then another 2 and a half! When I went in there at 6:45, I fed him, thinking we'd be up for the day, and after he was done eating, he seemed sleepy, so I put him back down in his crib, and he slept for another hour and a half! Which is insaaaane. Now, I don't want to get my hopes up that we are through the sleep regression phase, but I am majorly keeping my fingers crossed that we are! And today marks another MILEStone, because we got so much sleep last night, this is the first time he is napping and I'm not! So I got laundry put away, swept the downstairs, cleaned our bathroom, AND am having time to write this post. It's amazing how much I can get done when I feel rested! Majorly crossing our fingers that this sleep pattern continues!

For those mamas who have gone through the sleep regression, what are some of your tips that helped you survive?!

Image result for keep calm sleep regression

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