Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday Favorites

We maaaaaade it!! Happy First Friday of November friends! Today I am linking up with Narci, Andrea, and Erika for Friday Favorites! 

You know it is officially Holiday Season when…wait for it…STARBUCKS RED CUPS ARE BAAAAACK! And friends, this girl is going to indulge in all those festive holiday drinks as much as I can. 

I mean seriously, not many things make this lady grin like that at 7am. But Starbucks Red Cups can. 
It got down in the 50's this week, and friends I am rejoicing! You know what that means…Boots and Scarves and Boots and Scarves! I am loving bundling up with my cozy scarves and strutting around in my boots. Fall weather makes this girl a happy camper. 

Cozy tunic highlighted by Sheaffer the other day!

I am absolutely in love with this scarf! It is so cozy and warm, and just makes me feel as if I'm embracing this holiday season. 

Something that makes me very happy is when my kids earn some free time and we go out on the playground and get to just play. It's great that they get to let off some steam and run around, and I love being able to engage in that with them. It's so funny, all over the play structure I hear "Mrs. P!" "Mrs. P! Look what I can do!" "No look what I can do!" Even though it's exhausting running around watching them do their tricks, it warms my heart that they want to show me what they're up to. Those kids just warm my heart. 

I did a post yesterday on prayer. Inspired by Shay's post on something similar, I wanted to create a page where those who need prayer could post their prayer requests so I could pray for them. I have a few people close to me that I've really been praying for this week, so I wanted to extend that to my blogging family as well. So if you need prayer, please visit my post and comment your prayer request and I would love to pray for you!

Sunday Morning, 1 day after Halloween, this girl started listening to my very.favorite.pandora.station.ever. 

Need I say more? This needs no introduction.

Tuesdays I have a prep period while the kiddos are in computers, so I got some work done, with Michael Buble Holiday on Pandora. This makes for a happy Mrs. P. 
The hubs and I are taking our Holiday Card photos this weekend and I am so excited! First holiday season as a married couple?! I still can't believe it. We are going to try to recreate one of these adorable ideas…any guesses on which one?!

Can you tell this girl is excited for the Holidays?! Be prepared for many more of these Holiday themed posts in the future…but I have a feeling I'm not alone in this…

Happy Friday friends! Have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Love your looks and can totally copy all of them. HA!! I still have yet to get my first RED Cup! Tomorrow's the day though. Can't wait to see your holiday photos...these are such cute ideas! And YAY for Michael Buble him! Have a great weekend!!

    1. Aww thanks lady!! That's how I get most of my style inspiration-other bloggers! It's so much cheaper than hiring a personal shopper ;) Giiiiirl you gotta get on the red cup wagon!! I feel as if my holiday season has officially started now that I've had my first red cup ;) Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a great weekend too!

  2. Oh my gosh the red cups. That needs to happen this weekend! I think I need a blanket scarf in my life also, yours looks so cute! Congrats on your first Christmas as a married couple, my husband and I are in the same boat. It's so fun :)

    1. Haha isn't it so funny how one simple thing can make you so happy? The blanket scarf is one of my favorite accessories this time of year. It's a little bulky, but once I figured out how to wear it, I wear it all the time. I highly support your blanket scarf purchase :) And thank you so much!! It is a tad stressful learning how to balance both families, but it will be a memorable holiday season, that's for sure! Congrats to you and your hubs too!! Have a great weekend!

  3. Well hello! Just hopped over to your blog and girl - I think we're kindred spirits :) Red cups make me happy, as does Michael Buble Christmas, and I'm pretty sure I have about 3 of the same scarves you do. OH! And I totally believe that prayer is the most powerful thing in the world! Can't wait to visit again! Have a great weekend!

    PS - I love all of those card photos! Can't wait to see how they turn out!

    1. Giiiiirl I thought the SAME thing when I popped over to your blog! It made me so excited! When you find someone else who feels the same about Buble Christmas, you know you've found a friend! ;) I love connecting with other people through blogging, it has been such a cool thing for me. Can't wait to visit your blog next week and see what you're up to :) Have a great weekend!
      PS wish me luck with our card photos-the husband hates taking photos more than anything! Fingers crossed! :)

  4. Hey girl! First of all, your blog is total #adorbs! Second - Yay for your Starbucks Red Cup! I have yet to get one this season. What's wrong with meeee?! Third - Those Holiday card ideas are so cute...I wouldn't be able to choose, although the girl's hair in the first photo is so pretty! LOL!

    1. Hey lady! Thank you so much, you are so sweet! I am looooving this blogging community and kind words from people like you absolutely make my day! :) But giiiiirl you need to up your Red Cup Game, it will only make the beginning days of this holiday season sweeter. I could never come up with ideas so cute without the help of Pinterest, let's be honest, what did the world do before Pinterest?! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you had a great weekend!

  5. I had my first red cup too this week! (and maybe three more after that, hehe) I am so ready for Christmas this year. Any of those poses would be super cute to recreate! Have a great week :)

    1. Haha giiiirl I am so on your level! Isn't it funny how those silly red cups can make you so happy?! Glad to know I'm not the only one :) I let my husband pick our holiday card idea based on those 3, I'm excited to show which one he picked once we get our cards in the next couple of weeks! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog!! Hope you had a great weekend!

  6. This is our first Christmas sending out Christmas cards and I am SO excited! Can't wait to see how y'all's Christmas pictures turn out!!

    Loving all of your scarves in this post, so cute!

    1. Isn't it so cool how something so simple can be so exciting?! Have you got your Christmas cards back yet?? I always love seeing what other couples do!!

      Thank you so much! I love when the weather gets cold so I can up my scarf game :) Thanks so much for stopping by-have a great day!

  7. Hey hey! Just found your blog from the link up and my girl Lindsay's blog :)

    First, isn't Shaeffer the best!? She highlights such awesome finds! Those scarves look great on you and you totally rock that blanket one. For some reason blanket scarves scare me, LOL!

    If I had to guess which pose you did for your card, it would be the one with the wreath but they are all so cute! I can't wait to see your finished cards :)


    1. Hi Lizzie! I am so glad you found me!!

      Umm…Shaeffer is pretty much the reason why I have a Nordstrom addiction. Not exaggerating, most of the items she highlights I instantly buy them. My wallet is crying but my closet is screaming Yaaaaaay! Thank you so much for your blanket scarf love! I'll be honest, I've had it for a year and I just figured out how to wear it to make it not look so bulky. But now that I figured it out, I looooove it. I have faith in you-you can totally pull it off!

      I loved the wreath pose! I let my husband choose, because it was like pulling teeth to get him to agree to Christmas Cards, but I think they came out pretty cute! Can't wait to share them when they come in!

      Thank you so much for stopping by!!
